Tree Planting at Milton Farm

Did you know that we have a tree planting programme at Milton Farm as part of our Agricultural Studies curriculum? It is proving hugely successful and we have already planted over 100 trees!

This week, it was time for our older students to visit the farm and learn more about the process of planting. We teach them everything they need to know from how to select the right sapling, how to prepare the ground and finally how to plant their very own tree. It is always a hugely popular day for everyone involved!

This is a long-term project where the trees planted today will benefit our students for years to come. Understanding how trees grow and the benefits they bring - shade, fruit, a safe haven for wildlife, offering protection from soil erosion and improved soil health - are invaluable lessons for improving our interaction with nature and battling climate change.

Learning by doing is a key part of the educational approach at Milton Junior School. We believe our students are getting the best possible education by mixing traditional classroom learning with external activities. Follow us on social media to find out more!


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