Milton Junior School Crest

Arts and Crafts Club

“Every child is an artist”

Arts and Crafts Club is one of our most popular after school clubs! Our little ones have the opportunity to experiment with clay, paper and paint whilst our older students are able to learn the basics of sketching and painting. We also allow our older students access to our full range of art materials – we are always excited to see what they will produce next!

Art is a lot of fun but it is also offers important developmental opportunities for our students. Arts and crafts activities have been shown to enhance brain capacity in early childhood with the development of cognitive (thinking), social, emotional and multi-sensory skills.

Arts and crafts also give children the chance to make their own decisions and to learn from the consequences of those decisions. Experimenting with mixing paint or cutting shapes allows for trial and error, one of the best ways to learn!  

Pablo Picasso

Milton Kindergarten student with pencils
Milton Kindergarten girl at colouring  n time

As children draw, paint, and make collages, they are also learning about use of colour, shapes and perspective (size of objects). All art projects require a degree of planning if they are to turn out as imagined! This teaches our students the importance of preparation and of thinking through an idea from start to finish before they begin!

Craft work is also a great way to develop fine motor skills by using crayons to colour neatly between the lines or scissors and glue to cut and stick shapes in the right places. This helps to develop better hand writing skills and hand-eye coordination.

Our students’ artwork is proudly displayed in our classrooms. If you would like your child to join us in our creative space, please contact us for more information.


Aviation Club